He wants nothing to do with our unborn child and moved an 18 year old into our house after I left because he wanted to me to terminate the child because the baby was an "inconvience" and I wouldn't do that. He won't help me pay anything and is a complete jerk about the baby.
I am very hurt, sad and upset about this whole issue. Please, any advice?
Also, I am embarassed to tell people that the father is no longer in the picture. I am a college educated; I just don't want to be looked down upon. How can I feel better? Any advice on that one?
Opinion of a man who leaves pregnant gf and a month later is dating an 18 year old?
First I want to say - You ROCK!!! I'm proud of you for standing up to him and NOT terminating the child :) That's awesome! Your baby will be SUCH a blessing.
Seccond off... You will be OK and probably better off without him. He sounds like a dirtbag... I know you probably love/loved him, but love can be blind. Be happy that you are seeing the real him before you invest your life into him and with him.
Thirdly, don't be embarassed. He left you - he'll be viewed as the "bad guy" by your friends. I am college educated and have a masters degree and I wouldn't and don't look down on you :)
Just have confidence and be glad he's out of your life. And DON'T be weak and let him back in your life.... If he left you once and cheated on you - he WILL do it again!!! I know you're sad and you miss him. Cling to your great girl friends during this time and/or make new friends :) Join a support group for single pregnant parents (you can ask the hospital and they will give you that contact)... that is a great way to talk to people in simiar situations :)
Good Luck and congrats on your pregnancy!!!
Reply:Do you happen to be 5 months along? Sorry to ask, but some guy was asking about whether to leave his pregnant gf on here earlier today.
Reply:I say get a lawyer who can make him pay for prenatal care and child support. Whenit comes to telling people that the father is no loger in the picture and feelin bad about yourself dont stress about that so much, I think alot of people would command you for not killing your baby like so many other woman do when there men leave them and congratulate you on your expectant child.
Reply:you be female, the strongest of the human species. education can not undo emotions. have the baby, you will cherish it always. Get thee to an attorney. sue the father of the baby for child support. Let him explain to the courts about an "inconvenience". remind him of it every time he pays a support check.
Reply:You should be proud of yourself for raising a baby on your own., It is going to be hard work, so keep your head up, because a lot of women make the wrong decision and abort the baby, but you are giving this baby a chance and that is something you should feel good about, and make that jerk pay take him to court for child support and if he doesn't he will go to jail
Reply:i have a story similar to that...hope this makes you feel better:
well i meet a guy and blahblah... ended up pregnant by him... he was "the mos happiest man" he told me he would dedicate his life to me and our baby... but all that time he was lying, steeling, and using me... until i just a day before my due date he left me (i had my presious baby girl two weeks late) he made up a big lie saying that immigration had taken him out of the u.s. (he was illegal) so that ended the relationship five months later the only relative that he had here told me that my babys dad had another kid .... a 4 year old lil boy.... i was in shock ..... he had always denied that child... just the thought of him doing that about my baby huts me.... now my baby is six months i am currrently fighting for sole custody....
i am 18years old when i was going to high school i was pregnant... dont feel embarrased... you have an advantage with that college education you can aford a better life for ur baby than just a high school diploma like me... you are not the first and you are not the last single mother... you need a jerk like that....dont listen to him hes the INCONVINIENCE because the baby is a blessing... my advice would be stay away from that jerk, make him pay child support, and keep your head up be proud that you can do it on your own... i know it hurts... but every min. i spend with my baby is worth it....he will miss out youll gain the love of your life with that baby... dont worry about what others think ... is none of their bussisnes ... you have a big problem but their is always someone out there that has an even bigger deal to deal with... well im saying this from the heart, hope it helps... and good luck..........best wishes
Reply:Although it's easier said than done, my best advice is for you to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and move on. Do your best to get the negative thoughts of this "man" out of your mind and concentrate on yourself and your baby at this point. It's better to raise your child yourself then to have stayed with this guy who seems like he's not worth your time, effort, attention, or affection.
Don't dwell for 2 seconds on what other people think. When they live your life and pay your bills, at that point they are entitled to an opinion. Until then, scr*w anyone who judges you. Single moms are some of the strongest and most tenacious people I have ever met. You will go through hardships, but in the end, everything will be fine and your son/daughter will appreciate you and know YOU were there for them.
Stay positive and get all the negative drama out of your mind. It's not worth it...he's not worth it. Move on.
Good luck and congrats on the baby!
Reply:Honey, my dad left my mom after there 3 rd child was born and I think people looked up to her not down on her its hard to raise kids on your own. Get the child support order as soon as you have the baby. In the end he will be the one regreting what he did after he sees how that he is missing out on something so beautiful. Good luck and keep your head up.
Reply:Don't be embarrassed to tell people that he is not in the picture - you should be proud that you're smart enough to not stick with him. Besides, if you stuck with him, knowing that he's dating a teenager (!!!), expecting him to be an adult, that would be embarrassing, because most likely your friends and family already KNOW what a jerk he is. Most people don't look down on single mothers anymore, and if they do, you don't need them in your life. Enjoy motherhood, and make sure that you get child support whether he likes it or not. Many states are very strict and he can actually serve jail time (haha) if he doesn't help out. Good luck and be strong.
Reply:I think you are a stong and wonderful woman. There are not many people willing to protect themselves and their child like you have. You are better off without someone like that! And if people know why you left, they should never look down on you. If anything they will congratulate you. Stay strong, you will do just fine.
Reply:You have nothing to be embarrassed about. He's the one who should be embarrassed. Sue him for child support. Let him try explaining how the baby is an inconvenience to the judge! Just hang in there and best of luck to you.
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