Do you think a hospital should have the right to decide to treat illegals.
Here are some of my thoughts.
If we lower the amount of illegals they treat the American Citizens healthcost will go down.
There will be more room and available to treat American citizens.
Why do we want to help cure the ones who cause many of our deaths and accidents.
The hospitals on top of that would not keep loosing so much money that they do every year from many of the illegals if not all that do not pay the bills. Most of them will go to the ER over a PCP any day knowing they don't have to pay on the same day as they go.
Anyway what are some of your opinions
Just an opinion question about hospitals and illegals.?
I see your point. But some stipulations need to be drawn.
If it is a "LIFE THREATENING" problem, treat them. But if it is something that could be fixed but a regular doctor then they should refuse treatment. I hate Illegals, but they are still human and we owe it to any human to try to save their life.
I am sick of them using the Emergency Rooms at Doctor Visits, that is what is driving up costs and bankrupting hospitals and ER's
Reply:Yes, a hospital is a business after all. And, many hospitals already decide to treat people already.
For example Many Catholic hospitals refuse to issue the morning after pill to woman who are raped. This is choosing NOT to treat someone is it not?
So why can they not choose to refuse treatment to someone who clearly can not pay for their treatment through health insurance and is an illegal for non emergency care.
Do they not ask for health insurance proof and ID when you first enter the hospital? They do at the hospitals in my state.
Reply:they should be asked to prove legality. if they are not legal they should be turned down and reported asap.
Reply:so when your on vacation in another country, they shouldnt treat you at any of thier hospitals either....??????
immigrants are humans to, for heavens sake....
what goes around comes careful what you do.
Reply:Hey they are humans too, just like you and I...The problem of them to be in this country illegally starts with their own Government where they are from to force them to immigrate illegally to USA so the country where they come from won't have to provide any service to their own citizens. Fine that country 1rst. And by the way here in the USA should do something to fine the country they come from...And start a legal entrance trust me they won't never try to live here in the USA and get medical service in the country they are from because is cheap then in the USA even Americans US citizen go to a Latin American country to get medical service because of the cost of medical service here in the USA...
I am just writing the plain truth about how illegal immigration starts in the USA...Better life=work for food and safety that they feel in the USA. I disclose the bad illegals people they don't deserve nothing at all don't matter where they are from legal or not.
Reply:The fact that they are illegals does not change the fact that they are human beings........ Are you going to honestly say that as a doctor or hospital administrator you would stand by and watch a person die because of their residency status?
Reply:Yes, they should treat the illegals and then have them deported.
Reply:I am not going to go into the legal issues related to a hospital saying NO to illegal or legal or a citizen of this country to receive medical treatment....but more important is the moral obligation of medical treatment to anyone that needs it, regardless of race, color or creed. We pride ourself and rightly so of been an order under God with no discrimination based on what i mention above. This mean we have to abide by that for all and all the time....not part are a better citizen of our great country when, even at your own personal cost, you provide for the needs of others....and God Bless America for been that way
Reply:i agree they should turn them away! why do i have to pay for emergency if they dont? also they go to the emergency room for everything not just emergency care they go for stupid minor things but since they know if they go to hospital for it they get it free they go there for any little thing
Reply:Illegals should not be treated or given any other citizen benifets. They should be turned over to the police.
Reply:I think the hospitals should have the right to decide if they want to treat non-emergency patients and that just because someone parks their rear-end in the emergency room waiting area doesn't make them an emergency.
Reply:No actually I think that any hospital administrator who allows an illegal to be treated or admitted should be sent directly to jail. The only choice on their part should be to absolutely verify citizenship of everyone who might be an illegal or go to jail.
Reply:A child gets wheeled in on a stretcher- bleeding profusely-he was just hit by drunk driver as he played on the sidewalk by his house, he looks up at the doctor ans says, "Ayuda me por favor, me duele." A red flag automatically goes up when the doctor hears the child's Spanish and he stops wheeling the boy down the hall. "Where is this boy's parents?" he hollers. "I am not going to top this child's internal bleeding until he show me a social security number!"
If that ever happens I hope that all countries take the same approach, and when you are on vacation at a lovely beach in Mexico and an unfortunate shark attack happens, I wonder if they will ask you for proof of Mexican Citizenship before stitching you up.
Reply:For "Gods" sake "Dogs" get much better treatment then human beings. It seems that society itself once again is starting to s*ck as it did and still does at certain locations for Mexicans,Hispanics and African Americans!
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