You see people working on computers in a nice air conditioned place. Sitting down almost all day and.....they get the good money!
You see somebody working his @ss off, working long hours of hard work and they get paid crap!
I'll give you one example: Fire Fighters
Fire fighters work there @sses off, save people and don't even get paid good.
Construction workers also don't get paid that good.
Basically any job that you get dirty and work hard, you won't get good money. In my opinion, that ain't fair. I feel sorry for those people who work hard and get paid crap!
The harder you work, the lower you get paid!! You agree??
First of all, constuction workers get paid very well. If you are in the right field you can make 40+ dollars/hour. Also constuction workers usually work very hard in the summer but when the rain comes most of them barley work if they do at all. Secondly, it might not seem fair that people working in an air-conditioned building get paid more but if you think about it most of the people that are in that situation had to go to college and spen alot of time learning. The thing is there are not very many people that go to college and get those skills to do a job without physical labor. There are alot more people that have the capability to use their physical strength more than their brain. We dont pay the blue collar people as much because they are easy to come by, where as finding somebody with alot of brain power is much more difficult.
Reply:Firefighters in my city start (entry level) at nearly 40K with fantastic benefits and 20 year retirement. Not too bad in a country where the minimum wage is $5.15 per hour. And, many of these guys/gals bid for a colleagues hours and
get over time pay. Skilled construction workers make good wages. The laborers don't make very much...true. Keep in mind firefighters sometimes do very little. They are on alert status, but sometimes don't go on a call for an extended period of time.
Reply:Here is how I see it. Most "white collar" jobs where you basically push papers all day, involve some kind of higher education. These higher educated people are in more demand. They must raise the wage rate for these types of jobs, because think about it, If you could get the same pay doing some manual labor job, and possibly save $50,000 in college expense, you would take the blue collar job because it is a quicker and cheaper route. If they do not offer competitive wages, college enrollment rates will go down, many people will not be motivated to go to college, maybe even not finish high school. There has to be an incentive, cuz that's just what people need. Most people do not like their job, so the assumption is that people care more about the money they make, rather than if they like their jobs or not. Which means people will take the bigger profit making job out there with the necessary experience and qualifications. So if someone can get away with a high wage job, that does not involving spending 4-5 years in college and spending countless money, more people will take those jobs. Therefore, yes it may seem unfair, but those who do have white collar jobs will get paid more for the preceeding reasons. I hope this helps your understanding.
Reply:Oprah covered this topic today (rerun?) But it was very interesting. The emergency medical techs and teacher assistants who have very physical and important jobs are only getting minimum wage. The guy who made the movie "super size me" was a guest. him and his fiancee tried working and " living" with minimum wage jobs. They could barely do it. They also covered how living with less money makes relationships and family life extremely difficult. Very sad.
Reply:Not necessarily. Take me for example. Right now I work in an office and make a decent salary. Most people would say that I don't have to work that hard for the money I'm bringing in. However, when I become a nurse, I will be working much harder than I am now AND be earning more money for working harder.
Reply:My suspicion is that you are young and naif. There is a bit of truth to what you're saying, but you're missing an important part. Every one has to learn the ropes. If you don't know the ropes, you'll get eaten alive some day, or have the rug pulled out from beneath your feet.
My suspicion is that you're struggling with laziness and dissatisfaction. How long have you been in the job market? What skills do you have? Are you of a sound character, in which a boss, owner, or manager can trust? With thinking like the above expressed by you, you will probably always be a loser, but if you can start thinking positive, your hard work will pay off. IF you are really the skilled and reliable worker that a boss wants.
Reply:Its all about supply and demand. The money goes where the next hottest thing is. Anyone can become a firefighter, while i do have deep respect for them. But its just that because computer business makes such good money the employees have to get a piece of the pie. Besides my brother in law works in the software field and its not as easy as you think. He pulls 12 hour work days like alot of manual laborers, and then he has to read a 600 page tech manual every month to stay current with his job. Its actually pretty stressful.
Reply:that's what college is for-to get a degree so you don't have to put up with hard working dead end jobs. If you have a 4yr degree, you won't have to work those menial jobs again.
Reply:your not supposed get paid higher for physically harder jobs,
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