Thursday, August 19, 2010

What is your opinion?


I am sending this to see what your opinion is. Your response will be interesting. Pay attention to what you read. After you have finished reading it, you will know the reason it was sent to you. Here goes:

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.

What is your opinion?
Interesting. Well thought out. Unfortunately, we don't always spot or know about some people until its too late and opportunities are lost because of it.

You mention those who leave a positive impact on our lives; what about those who leave a negative one? Are they here for a reason too? If so, what is it?
Reply:this is a normal life cycles.
Reply:We should never look at life as for any reason but to grow in God! And he provides what we need in all seasons.
Reply:I liked that. I believe that everything happens for a reason. Meeting new people and having them in your life for whatever length of time. They were placed there for a reason.
Reply:We may think that everything happens for a reason and people come into your life for a reason but think of your actions that led up to them coming into your life. maybe your car broke down. you had to take the bus, all the seats were full but one or two, you sit beside someone and they become your best friend. well what if your car didn't break down that day? you would have never met this person and you wouldn't even know it! we like to think that everything we has is a godsend, maybe you met your husband because you accidentally came across his name on a dating site. if you hadn't you would have met someone else and been none the wiser. lol i know I'm rambling but i believe that people don't come into your life for a reason. i believe everything that happens is a result of prior actions on your part.
Reply:Yes they do.
Reply:i agree.... it also means we need to know when to let go of someone... it is over..
Reply:What you have stated happens all the time in almost all the people`s lives. Many simply donot give the importance that it deserves and let the chance slip away.

Many people come into our lives at various times . Depending upon the timing and our state on mind at that time, we attach importance to that meeting. When such meetings take place when we are in our low ebb we see it as a support and we start to BELIEVE that it was God Sent. Then we automaticaaly start to give more value to that connection and , in return , receive more grace. This self actualising phenomena takes place all the time.

Even if the meeting is for a reason or for a season , yet they leave lasting impressions in our lives and we never forget those .

I , personally, believe that in my case these are not just accidents but a continuity of an earlier relationship, in this life. No proof. Just a gut feeling .
Reply:Love this, it is so true.. and I have thought about this before, just in different ways. Even though there are more season people than reason and lifetime, most of the time the season people make you happiest. That is aside from family of course... but that is what I think.
Reply:I agree with those thoughts except as to the 'knowing' which 'reason' someone has come into one's life. Chance meetings occur, but often we pursue and attain friendships. And even when it is by chance that we get to relate with someone, the two parties involved choose the path along which they walk.

Even just 'going with the flow' is a choice. To not make it a more deeper relationship is a joint decision between the two.

But realizing the good we can and have realized from all those around us is a beautiful and great way to understand how every one of us is enriched by the other.

Reply:I agree. I have had this experience. My mentor/best friend/substitute mother was in my life till she passed, for 25 years. She changed the entire course of my life. Even her passing held lessons for me. Recently I had someone in my life I cared very much for, yet I had to "take a stand" %26amp; remove them from my life. It was another lesson learned in the school of hard knocks. Everything happens for a reason %26amp; nothing is by accident, the reason can be as grand a intervention on our behalf or just simple cause %26amp; effect resulting from our own choices. Everyone has something to teach us if we just have the eyes to see.
Reply:Hello my friend,

Ava again. What a heavy question! Wow. I can't go with the 'God' theme, sorry. I find as I get older that I don't have answers where answers once came.

The theme about people coming into our lives, and someone mentioned about sometimes 'missing' these events/people, and well, yes, yes, yes. This happens way to often to many of us. Confidence sometimes just isn't there to really 'come out' and approach people/events.

Life is simple, life is complex. To know the difference and to go with the flow is the answer. The golden rule is what I live by; or try to live by. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". That is simple, but to follow on a day to day basis is quite the honour, and sometimes you get stepped upon, and well, it is hard some days.

We are in hard times. We all feel it. Some of us acknowledge these hards times, some people sit in their homes, and are full of pride/possessions, and well, don't see the other side of life. It is there.

Much love to you,

Reply:every day we are some ones blessing,we dont no who as we just say or do whot could be an old person you say good morning to who as ask god for some one to talk to .you never will no as we all will be were god wonts us.may god bless you.
Reply:I do agree that God sends people into your life for a reason though and yes, it may be just be for a short period of time to accomplish something He has planned for your life.
Reply:This reads to me too much like New Age orchestration of life by a Higher Power.

I don't believe in that higher power. I believe that if we see something in someone else we need, it's not because of some celestial planning, it's because of our own perseption.

After the fact, a series of events may seem like a coherent story. While we're in amidst the events, it seems much more like chaos. I think we construct those stories ourselves. They aren't out there waiting for us.
Reply:I often use the expression "people are in your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime." However, we have very different theories on why this is the case or the meaning of the expression.
Reply:people give me money
Reply:you are quite welcome and your email put a warmth in my heart.i hope you can do that for many many people through

out your life,and may it be a long and a prosperous one.

thank you.
Reply:Your'e right God does send people with the intention of them playing a part in your life, if we think about it, everyone that we know and even the people we don't (like a stranger on the see that you just happen to glance at) effects your life...

and you theirs...

We are all connected...

I sometimes think, i'm not sure if you do too..."Why are we here"

Sometimes we are so caught up in our life that, that question turns into what are we supposed to find or achieve in our lifetime that we hardly ever think that the answer could be as simple as "we are here to be connected" - to each other, to the human race, to effect and be affected, to live and breath and walk as one.....

Sometimes as cliche as it sounds "we need to think outside the box" and in this case the box would be "ourselves"

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