Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Now that ALL the countries are dumping the Dollar, what is your opinion on how Bush's US economy?

You can't keep spending TRILLIONS over in Iraq and not pay it back before it starts coming back to roost.

China, Japan and even Iran is ACTIVELY dumping the US dollar right now.

Now that ALL the countries are dumping the Dollar, what is your opinion on how Bush's US economy?
Dear Miss Fedup, maybe you yourself don't realize how justified your question really is!

If the Dollar keeps going down the way it is and the whole world will dump their Dollars in exchange for Euros or Yen, it is not a long way for the US to go bankrupt! This is no more just a crisis. This is deadly serious. Nobody even knows howmany -illiones (quadrillions, sixtillions or whatever) of Dollars are really held out there in foreign countries. If they all want to turn their Dollars back in, the Us will never be able to pay them back!

This is much more dangerous than rising prices, more dangerous than Iran as a nuclear power. This really can be deadly for the US!
Reply:It will hurt the Dumpers in the long run, it will make their products cost more for us. US products based on the dollar cheaper. They will get more bang for the buck, when buying from us. But so will we VS their products. who's will sit on the shelf longer.
Reply:Just as you have described-the US economy is currently or hard times.
Reply:Saddam not accepting U.S. dollars for oil, and accepting only the Euro, was a big reason why we invaded.

It can only lead to a depression.
Reply:Normal economic cycles. Dollar goes down, US goods cheaper to foreign countries; foreign countries buy more US goods; dollar goes up. Now go take a economics course and relax!
Reply:lol...i'm dumping most of my dollar reserves too. Putting it in precious metals and Euro dollars. So far I'm in the profit.
Reply:My opinion is that he has amassed so fricken' many of them he could care less how low they go in value...
Reply:The U.S. economy is just fine. Your power is still on, don't worry so much.
Reply:Bush has overspent on the war, but that isn't directly the reason for the dollar being worth little.

The reason the dollar is terrible is because of the Federal Reserve!

Vote 4 Ron Paul, he knows what he's talking about.
Reply:That`s great , I get paid in USD`s , not euro`s !! Bring all the USD`s back home , there will be more for all who are working and have a job ! You can bet your azz that the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS will have more USD`s to spend also ? USA worker productivity up 4.9% , somebody in USA is working %26amp; producing something !! BTW ; Who did the USA borrow "trillions %26amp; trillions of dollars" from that we have to pay it back to ?
Reply:The american economy is in decline yes. But americans don`t want to hear that. They`re just rawing on in their usual arrogance, %26amp; stupid pretence as if it meant nothing.
Reply:The problem is free trade.
Reply:Touche CC:) Nice answer to a ridiculous rant.

It's a rant ... the dollars value has nothing to do with the Iraq budget and the national deficit has fallen for the third year straight;P
Reply:Go to your library and check out "How Satan turned America against God" by William Grady, it explains much about this, so don't worry. Many who have answered know. Take care.

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