The UK is being over-run by foreigners, yet the goverment is closing hospital wards and people that have paid taxes for years cant get surgery or medication they need. Not to mention the millions of pounds sent to poorer countries. The Government needs to sort its out house out before letting others in.
What is your opinion on imigration. Especially those of you in UK.?
The imigration system in the uk is a farce, whatever rules there were at the start have long since gone obscure.
The system is in a shambles, only yesterday, government proposals for stopping marrages of convienience were quashed in the UK courts because the do gooders, think these scroungers have rights, they do NOT.
Our Country is being bled dry by these people who tell us they are being persecuted back home, its all rubbish, they have heard about the land of plenty from their relatives and friends and so can't wait to get here.
The system needs ahuge overhaul and needs implimenting properly with no loop holes
Reply:Its a tough one. I don't think those stuck in foreign countries in a poor way of life should be stuck there. I think you're right, the govenment need to sort out its own country before looking at the immigrant situation, mainly lookin at the over spending within government, the NHS and local councils. They need to get rid of all this over priced art work with goes outside hospitals and council buildings, and put the money into training nurses and providing housing and employment training.
Reply:UK hospital cash crisis is not due to immigration; it's due in part to underfunding of the consultants settlement. And the UK has been recruiting overseas health staff for many years.
BTW - waiting lists for health care have been falling - people can get access to surgery %26amp; medication.
Net migration in 2003 estimated at 150,000 (inwards) and averaged 166,000 over the last 7 years - this is not being 'over run'
UK proposals for immigration limits (for non EU nationals) should deal with any problems over the longer term. And as EU aid helps the newly joined Central and Eastern EU countries economies improve, then migrant workers from these countries will lessen
Reply:go the way the australians have ..sponsors ... to imergrate to england you should have a sponsor either company or personal should have a work placement then after some time of paying taxes imergrants should get the benefits nationals have and after four years they should take a exam and on completion become passport holders of this country.
i also believe that any person comming to live here should have some understanding of our language (english). and acept our laws and culture. ( why should we have laws and cultures not associated with our country. as long as we acept and provide fair and equal rights under our law that is set out by our UNWRITTEN constitution ) if they see there native country as home after getting passport then why do they need to be here if they dont class it as their country??? if they want equal rights they should accept this country and its crown and goernment.. :)
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